Developing an AI-Integrated Insight Journal: Enhancing Personal Reflection through Locally Hosted Language Models


This dissertation explores the development of an AI-integrated journaling platform named “Insight Journal,” which harnesses locally hosted Large Language Models (LLMs) to provide personalized feedback on users’ written content. The primary objective is to recreate a collaborative and feedback-driven environment that enhances personal reflection and growth while maintaining control over data privacy and reducing reliance on external services.

By utilizing open-source technologies such as Llama 3.2, Jekyll, Ollama, and Netlify, the project demonstrates how a cost-effective and self-hosted solution can be implemented without sacrificing functionality. The platform not only allows users to write and publish journal entries but also automatically appends those entries with AI-generated analyses and comments, emulating insights from diverse perspectives.

This work delves into the technical challenges faced during the integration of locally hosted LLMs with static site generators, the strategies employed to optimize performance, and the methods used to enhance user experience through customization and modular design. Additionally, it examines the implications of such technologies on personal knowledge management, data privacy, and the democratization of AI tools.

By reflecting on the content and discussions presented in the blog entries at, this dissertation provides a comprehensive guide and critical analysis of building and extending AI-powered personal journaling applications. It offers insights into the future of AI integration in personal projects and its potential impact on users’ cognitive processes and self-improvement practices.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
    • 1.1 Background and Motivation
    • 1.2 Objectives and Research Questions
    • 1.3 Significance of the Study
  2. Literature Review
    • 2.1 AI in Personal Knowledge Management
    • 2.2 Locally Hosted Language Models
    • 2.3 Static Site Generators and Hosting Solutions
    • 2.4 User Experience in AI-Integrated Applications
  3. Methodology
    • 3.1 Project Design and Architecture
    • 3.2 Technology Stack Overview
    • 3.3 Development Process
    • 3.4 Data Generation and Management
  4. Implementation
    • 4.1 Setting Up the Insight Journal Platform
    • 4.2 Integrating LLMs for Feedback Generation
    • 4.3 Enhancing Functionality with Economic Analysis
    • 4.4 User Interface and Experience Enhancements
  5. Results
    • 5.1 System Performance Evaluation
    • 5.2 User Testing and Feedback
    • 5.3 Analysis Quality Assessment
  6. Discussion
    • 6.1 Technical Challenges and Solutions
    • 6.2 Implications of AI Integration in Journaling
    • 6.3 Data Privacy and Ethical Considerations
    • 6.4 Comparison with Existing Platforms
  7. Conclusion
    • 7.1 Summary of Findings
    • 7.2 Contributions to the Field
    • 7.3 Recommendations for Future Work
  8. References
  9. Appendices
    • A. Code Listings
    • B. User Instructions and Guides
    • C. Additional Data and Resources


Motivation Behind Developing the Insight Journal Platform

The advent of advanced artificial intelligence (AI) and large language models (LLMs) has revolutionized the way individuals interact with technology, offering unprecedented opportunities for enhancing personal knowledge management and self-reflection practices. The Insight Journal platform was conceived from a desire to harness these technological advancements to create a more enriching and introspective journaling experience.

One of the primary motivations for developing the Insight Journal stems from the declining quality of constructive feedback on traditional online platforms. Websites like Reddit once provided vibrant communities where users could share ideas and receive diverse, insightful commentary. However, the increasingly prevalent issues of trolling and unproductive interactions have eroded the value of such platforms for meaningful discourse. This degradation has left a void for individuals seeking thoughtful feedback on their personal reflections and writings.

The Insight Journal aims to fill this gap by providing a controlled, private environment where users can document their thoughts and receive intelligent, AI-generated feedback. By integrating a locally hosted LLM, the platform replicates the experience of engaging with a community of insightful peers without the associated drawbacks of public forums. This approach enables users to delve deeper into their reflections, gain new perspectives, and foster personal growth in a secure and personalized setting.

Limitations of Existing Journaling Platforms

Traditional journaling platforms primarily focus on providing a digital space for users to record their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. While they offer features like text formatting, mood tracking, and organizational tools, they often lack mechanisms for interactive feedback or critical analysis of the content. Key limitations of existing platforms include:

  1. Absence of Constructive Feedback:
    • Static Experience: Users write entries without receiving any form of feedback that could stimulate deeper reflection or highlight alternative perspectives.
    • Limited Growth Opportunities: Without external input, users may find it challenging to challenge their assumptions or consider new ideas.
  2. Privacy Concerns with Online Services:
    • Data Security Risks: Platforms that offer AI-powered features typically rely on cloud-based services, necessitating the upload of personal journal entries to external servers.
    • Potential Misuse of Data: There is a risk that sensitive personal information could be accessed or exploited by third parties.
  3. Cost Barriers:
    • Subscription Fees: Advanced features often come with premium pricing models, which may not be affordable for all users.
    • API Usage Costs: Relying on external AI services like OpenAI or Anthropic can lead to significant expenses due to per-request charges.
  4. Lack of Customization:
    • Generic Feedback: Existing AI integrations may provide feedback that is not tailored to the individual user’s style or preferences.
    • Inflexible Systems: Users have limited ability to modify or extend the platform to better suit their needs.
  5. Dependence on Internet Connectivity:
    • Accessibility Issues: Cloud-based platforms require a stable internet connection, limiting usability in areas with poor connectivity.

These limitations highlight the need for a journaling platform that not only facilitates personal expression but also actively engages users through personalized feedback while ensuring data privacy and cost-efficiency.

Primary Objectives and Research Questions

The development of the Insight Journal platform is guided by several key objectives and research questions aimed at addressing the identified limitations and exploring the integration of AI technology in personal knowledge management.


  1. Design and Develop an AI-Integrated Journaling Platform:
    • Create a functional platform that allows users to write journal entries and receive AI-generated feedback based on their content.
  2. Ensure User Privacy and Data Security:
    • Implement a locally hosted LLM to process user data exclusively on the user’s machine, eliminating the need to transmit sensitive information over the internet.
  3. Provide Cost-Effective Solutions:
    • Utilize open-source tools and free hosting services to minimize operational costs, making the platform accessible to a wider audience.
  4. Enable Customization and Personalization:
    • Incorporate customizable AI personas to provide diverse perspectives and feedback styles, enhancing user engagement and satisfaction.
  5. Evaluate the Impact on Personal Reflection Practices:
    • Assess how AI-generated feedback influences users’ journaling habits, depth of reflection, and personal growth.

Research Questions

  1. How can locally hosted LLMs be effectively integrated into a journaling platform to provide meaningful and personalized feedback on user entries?

  2. What are the technical challenges associated with implementing a locally hosted AI feedback system, and what strategies can be employed to overcome them?

  3. In what ways do AI-generated analyses enhance the user’s journaling experience and contribute to deeper personal reflection and insight generation?

  4. How does the platform’s approach to privacy and self-hosting affect user trust, adoption, and overall satisfaction compared to cloud-based journaling solutions?

  5. What are the broader implications of integrating AI into personal knowledge management tools concerning data ethics, accessibility, and the democratization of technology?

Significance of Integrating Locally Hosted LLMs into Personal Knowledge Management Tools

The integration of locally hosted LLMs into personal knowledge management tools like the Insight Journal holds significant potential for transforming the way individuals engage with their personal data and insights. The key areas of significance include:

1. Enhanced Personal Reflection and Insight

2. Privacy and Data Security

3. Accessibility and Cost-Effectiveness

4. Customization and Personalization

5. Technical Innovation and Advancement

6. Ethical Considerations and Responsible AI Use

7. Overcoming Limitations of Cloud-Based AI Services

By integrating locally hosted LLMs into the Insight Journal, the platform addresses critical limitations of existing journaling tools and leverages AI to support personal growth in a secure, customizable, and accessible manner. This integration represents a significant step toward empowering individuals with advanced technological tools while respecting their privacy and autonomy.

References to Blog Entries at

By addressing the motivations, limitations of existing platforms, primary objectives, research questions, and the significance of integrating locally hosted LLMs, this section provides a comprehensive foundation for the dissertation. It sets the stage for a detailed exploration of how the Insight Journal platform contributes to personal knowledge management and the broader implications of its development.

Literature Review

2. Literature Review

2.1 AI in Personal Knowledge Management

2.1.1 Overview of Personal Knowledge Management

Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) refers to the methods and tools individuals use to collect, organize, store, retrieve, and share information for personal and professional development. The increasing volume of information in the digital age has made effective PKM essential for managing cognitive load and fostering continuous learning.

2.1.2 Integration of Artificial Intelligence in PKM

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has significantly influenced PKM by introducing intelligent systems that enhance information management practices. AI technologies such as Natural Language Processing (NLP), Machine Learning (ML), and Large Language Models (LLMs) offer advanced capabilities in understanding, organizing, and generating human language.

Enhancements Brought by AI:

2.1.3 Applications in Journaling and Self-Reflection

In the realm of journaling, AI assists users in gaining deeper insights into their thoughts and experiences.

Key Applications:

2.1.4 Challenges and Considerations

While AI enhances PKM, it also introduces challenges:

2.2 Advancements in Locally Hosted Language Models

2.2.1 Evolution of Language Models

Language models have evolved from simple probabilistic models to complex neural networks capable of generating coherent and contextually relevant text. Key milestones include:

2.2.2 Transition to Locally Hosted Models

Traditionally, large language models required substantial computational resources, accessible only via cloud-based services. Recent advancements have focused on optimizing models for local deployment.

Factors Contributing to Feasibility:

2.2.3 Benefits of Local Hosting

2.2.4 Applications and Case Studies


Case Studies:

2.2.5 Challenges

2.3 Static Site Generators and Free Hosting Solutions

2.3.1 Overview of Static Site Generators

Static Site Generators (SSGs) transform templates and content into static HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files, serving web content without the need for server-side processing.

Popular SSGs:

2.3.2 Advantages of SSGs

2.3.3 Free Hosting Solutions

Platforms offering free hosting for static sites include:

2.3.4 Democratization of Web Development

SSGs and free hosting lower barriers to entry:

2.3.5 Integration of Dynamic Features

Through technologies like:

2.4 User Experience in AI-Integrated Applications

2.4.1 Importance of User Experience (UX) in AI

A well-designed UX is crucial in AI applications to ensure:

2.4.2 Best Practices in AI UX Design

2.4.3 Challenges and User Concerns

2.4.4 Studies and Findings

2.5 Identified Gaps and Project Contributions

2.5.1 Lack of Privacy-Focused AI Tools for PKM

While AI tools exist for PKM, many rely on cloud services, which pose privacy risks for sensitive personal data. There’s a gap in tools that offer AI functionalities while keeping data processing local and secure.

2.5.2 Integration of Locally Hosted LLMs in Personal Applications

The application of locally hosted LLMs in personal projects is not widespread due to technical complexities. Providing clear methodologies for integrating these models can empower more users to adopt such technologies.

2.5.3 Combining SSGs with AI Capabilities

There is limited exploration of combining static site architectures with AI-powered dynamic content generation, presenting an opportunity to innovate in web development practices.

2.5.4 User Experience Research in Self-Hosted AI Applications

Existing UX research primarily focuses on commercial AI products. There’s a need for studies that address UX challenges specific to self-hosted AI applications, considering factors like technical proficiency and control over data.

2.6 Summary

This literature review highlights the intersection of AI technologies with personal knowledge management, emphasizing the potential of locally hosted language models to enhance privacy and personalization. The democratization of web development through static site generators and free hosting has lowered barriers for individuals to create and share content online.

However, gaps exist in providing accessible, privacy-conscious AI tools integrated into personal applications. Additionally, there’s a need for UX best practices tailored to self-hosted AI solutions. The Insight Journal project aims to address these gaps by:

By exploring these areas, the project contributes to advancing the application of AI in PKM while prioritizing user privacy and control.


3. Methodology

3.1 Overall Design and Architecture of the Insight Journal Platform

The Insight Journal platform is designed as a self-hosted, AI-integrated journaling system that provides users with personalized feedback and analyses on their written content. The architecture combines static web technologies with advanced AI capabilities, ensuring a balance between performance, security, and user experience.

Key Components:

  1. Front-End Interface:
    • Static Site Generated with Jekyll: Provides a lightweight, fast, and secure interface for journal entry creation and display.
    • Netlify CMS: Serves as a content management system (CMS) integrated into the static site for easy content editing and management.
  2. Back-End Processing:
    • Locally Hosted LLM (Llama 3.2): Performs AI-powered analysis and feedback generation on journal entries.
    • Ollama and OpenWebUI: Facilitate interaction with the LLM, providing an API for prompt submission and response retrieval.
  3. Deployment and Hosting:
    • Netlify: Hosts the static site, enabling continuous deployment and providing features like custom domains and SSL certificates.
  4. Data Management:
    • Historical Economic Data: A JSON-formatted dataset generated by the LLM, stored locally, and used for generating context-aware analyses.

Architectural Overview:

3.2 Selection of Technologies

3.2.1 Llama 3.2 (Locally Hosted LLM)

3.2.2 Jekyll (Static Site Generator)

3.2.3 Ollama (LLM Interface Tool)

3.2.4 Netlify (Hosting Platform)

3.3 Development Process

3.3.1 Setting Up the Environment

3.3.2 Configuring Tools

3.3.3 Integrating Components

3.3.4 Testing and Iteration

3.4 Data Generation and Management

3.4.1 Generating Historical Economic Data

3.4.2 Managing the Data

3.4.3 Ensuring Data Integrity

3.5 Summary of Development Workflow

  1. Environment Setup:
    • Install necessary software and tools.
    • Configure the development environment.
  2. Project Initialization:
    • Set up the Jekyll site and integrate Netlify CMS.
    • Initialize Git for version control.
  3. AI Integration:
    • Install and configure Ollama and the LLM.
    • Develop scripts for AI feedback generation.
  4. Data Generation:
    • Generate historical economic data using the LLM.
    • Store and manage the dataset.
  5. Automation and Deployment:
    • Implement automation scripts and hooks.
    • Deploy the site to Netlify with continuous deployment enabled.
  6. Testing and Iteration:
    • Test the site and AI functionalities locally.
    • Deploy and verify the live site.
    • Iterate based on testing results and user feedback.

3.6 Diagram of the System Architecture

3.7 Rationale for Architectural Choices

3.8 Addressing Technical Challenges

By detailing the overall design and architecture of the Insight Journal platform, explaining the selection of technologies, and describing the development process, this section provides a comprehensive overview of how the platform was built. It highlights the integration of various components to create a cohesive system that leverages AI to enhance personal journaling while maintaining user privacy and control.


4. Implementation

This section provides a detailed, step-by-step account of implementing the Insight Journal platform. The process encompasses the initial setup of the development environment, configuration of Netlify CMS, customization of the journal interface, integration of Large Language Models (LLMs) for AI-powered comments and analyses, enhancements to include economic analysis of blog posts, and user interface improvements aimed at enhancing the overall user experience.

4.1 Initial Setup

4.1.1 Setting Up the Development Environment

To begin the implementation, it is essential to establish a robust development environment. The following steps outline the initial setup:



  1. Install Ruby:

    # Update Homebrew and install rbenv and ruby-build
    brew update
    brew install rbenv ruby-build
    # Install Ruby version 3.3.5
    rbenv install 3.3.5
    rbenv global 3.3.5
    # Update ownership to avoid permission issues
    sudo chown -R $(whoami) ~/.rbenv
  2. Install Jekyll and Bundler:

    gem install bundler jekyll
  3. Install Git:

    Ensure Git is installed by checking the version:

    git --version
    # If not installed, use
    brew install git
  4. Install Node.js and npm:

    brew install node
  5. Install Netlify CLI:

    npm install netlify-cli -g
  6. Install Python 3 and Required Modules:

    brew install python3
    # Verify installation
    python3 --version
  7. Install Ollama:

    Follow the installation instructions provided by Ollama:

    • Visit Ollama’s website and download the appropriate installer.
    • Install and configure Ollama to run the Llama 3.2 model locally.

4.1.2 Creating the Jekyll Site

  1. Create a New Jekyll Site:

    jekyll new insight-journal
    cd insight-journal
  2. Initialize a Git Repository:

    git init
    git add .
    git commit -m "Initial commit"
  3. Set Up GitHub Repository:

    • Create a new repository on GitHub named insight-journal.
    • Link the local repository to GitHub:

      git remote add origin
      git branch -M main
      git push -u origin main

4.2 Configuration of Netlify CMS

Integrating Netlify CMS allows for an easy-to-use content management system directly within the Jekyll site.

4.2.1 Installing Netlify CMS

  1. Create an admin Directory:

    mkdir admin
  2. Add config.yml in admin:

    Create admin/config.yml with the following content:

      name: git-gateway
      branch: main
    media_folder: "assets/images"
    public_folder: "/assets/images"
      - name: "journal"
        label: "Journal Entries"
        folder: "_posts"
        create: true
        slug: ""
          - { label: "Layout", name: "layout", widget: "hidden", default: "post" }
          - { label: "Title", name: "title", widget: "string" }
          - { label: "Publish Date", name: "date", widget: "datetime" }
          - { label: "Categories", name: "categories", widget: "list", required: false }
          - { label: "Tags", name: "tags", widget: "list", required: false }
          - { label: "Body", name: "body", widget: "markdown" }
  3. Add index.html in admin:

    Create admin/index.html with the following content:

    <!doctype html>
        <meta charset="utf-8" />
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
        <title>Content Manager</title>
        <!-- Include the Netlify CMS script -->
        <script src="^2.0.0/dist/netlify-cms.js"></script>

4.2.2 Configuring Authentication

Netlify CMS requires authentication to manage content.

  1. Enable Git Gateway and Netlify Identity:

    • Log in to Netlify and select your site.
    • Go to the “Identity” tab and enable Identity.
    • Under Settings, enable Git Gateway.
  2. Configure Registration Settings:

    • Choose “Invite Only” or “Open” depending on your preference.
    • If “Invite Only,” invite yourself via the Netlify Identity dashboard.
  3. Update the Site’s URL in config.yml (if necessary):

    Ensure that the backend section in config.yml matches the authentication method.

4.2.3 Testing Netlify CMS Locally

  1. Install Dependencies:

    bundle install
  2. Run the Jekyll Server:

    bundle exec jekyll serve
  3. Access Netlify CMS:

    • Navigate to http://localhost:4000/admin/.
    • Log in using Netlify Identity (you may need to register or invite a user).

4.3 Customization of the Journal

To make the journal unique and user-friendly, various customizations are implemented.

4.3.1 Customizing Layouts and Themes

  1. Modify Site Configuration:

    Update _config.yml with site-specific information:

    title: "Insight Journal"
    description: "A journal for insights and reflections."
  2. Create Custom Layouts:

    • In _layouts, modify default.html and post.html to change the structure of the pages.
    • Use HTML, CSS, and Liquid templating to customize the appearance.
  3. Add Stylesheets:

    • In the assets/css directory, add custom stylesheets.
    • Update the HTML templates to link to the new stylesheets.
  4. Implement Navigation and Additional Pages:

    • Add _includes and _layouts for components like headers and footers.
    • Create pages such as about.html and contact.html if desired.

4.3.2 Enhancing User Interface

  1. Responsive Design:

    Ensure that the site is mobile-friendly by using responsive design principles and testing on various devices.

  2. Typography and Readability:

    • Select fonts that enhance readability.
    • Adjust line-spacing, font sizes, and color schemes.
  3. Adding Search Functionality:

    • Implement a client-side search using JavaScript libraries such as Lunr.js.
  4. Implementing Comments Section (Optional):

    • For user interaction, integrate a static site comment system like Staticman.

4.4 Integration of LLMs for AI-Powered Comments and Analyses

The core feature of the Insight Journal is the integration of LLMs to generate AI-powered comments and analyses on journal entries.

4.4.1 Setting Up the LLM Environment

  1. Install Llama 3.2 Model:

    • Download and install the Llama 3.2 model compatible with Ollama.
  2. Configure Ollama:

    • Start Ollama’s server to listen for API requests:

      ollama serve
      # By default, it listens on http://localhost:11434

4.4.2 Developing the AI Analysis Script

Create a Python script to handle the generation of analyses.

Key Components of the Script:

4.4.3 Enhancing the Script with Post Selection

Allow users to select which post to analyze by listing available posts and prompting for input.

4.4.4 Automating the Script Execution

To ensure analyses are generated whenever a post is created or updated:

4.4.5 Testing the AI Integration

4.5 Enhancements for Economic Analysis of Blog Posts

Integrating historical economic data allows the AI to provide more contextually rich analyses.

4.5.1 Generating Historical Economic Data

  1. Crafting the Prompt for Data Generation:

    Create a prompt that instructs the LLM to generate a dataset of historical economic events in JSON format.

    prompt = """
    Create a JSON script formatted with the following variables and create entries that encompass the main economic events throughout recorded history:
    [Your JSON structure here]
  2. Writing the Data Generation Script:

    def generate_historical_data():
        url = "http://localhost:11434/api/generate"
        data = {
            "model": "llama3.2",
            "prompt": prompt,
            "stream": False
        response =, json=data)
        historical_data = response.json().get("response", "")
        with open('historical_economic_data.json', 'w') as file:
  3. Validating and Cleaning the Data:

    • Manually review the generated data for accuracy.
    • Clean up any formatting issues or inconsistencies.

4.5.2 Incorporating Economic Data into Analyses

Modify the generate_prompt function to include the historical economic data in the prompt sent to the LLM.

4.5.3 Ensuring Relevance and Quality

4.6 User Interface Improvements

Enhancements are made to the user interface to improve usability and encourage engagement.

4.6.1 Customization Options for Users

Allow users to set preferences that influence the AI-generated analyses.

4.6.2 Interactive Command-Line Interface

Provide an interactive experience when running the script.

4.6.3 Feedback Mechanisms

Implement ways for users to provide feedback on the AI-generated analyses.

4.6.4 Documentation and Help Resources

Create user guides and documentation to assist users in navigating the platform.

4.7 Deployment to Netlify and Continuous Integration

Deploy the final application to Netlify and set up continuous integration.

4.7.1 Connecting the Repository to Netlify

  1. Create a New Site on Netlify:

    • Log in to Netlify and select ‘New site from Git’.
  2. Authorize and Select Repository:

    • Connect Netlify to GitHub and select the insight-journal repository.
  3. Configure Build Settings:

    • Build Command: jekyll build
    • Publish Directory: _site
  4. Set Environment Variables (if necessary):

    • Add any required environment variables in the Netlify dashboard.

4.7.2 Enabling Continuous Deployment

4.7.3 Custom Domain and SSL

4.8 Final Testing and Launch

Conduct thorough testing before officially launching the platform.

4.8.1 Testing the Full Workflow

4.8.2 Cross-Browser and Device Testing

4.8.3 Performance Optimization

4.8.4 Monitoring and Maintenance

4.9 Documentation and Knowledge Sharing

Provide documentation to help others understand and possibly replicate or contribute to the project.

4.9.1 Code Documentation

4.9.2 Blogging About the Process

4.9.3 Open Source Contribution

By following these detailed steps, the Insight Journal platform is successfully implemented, offering users a unique journaling experience enhanced by AI-generated analyses and comments. The integration of locally hosted LLMs ensures privacy and control, while the customizations and enhancements provide a personalized and engaging user interface. The platform serves as a testament to the potential of combining static site technologies with advanced AI capabilities to create innovative personal knowledge management tools.


5. Results

This section evaluates the performance of the Insight Journal platform, focusing on system response times, resource utilization, and the quality of AI-generated analyses. It also presents findings from user testing and feedback, highlighting user interactions with the platform and their perceptions of the AI-generated content.

5.1 System Performance Evaluation

5.1.1 Response Times

Measurement Setup:



5.1.2 Resource Utilization

CPU and Memory Usage:


5.1.3 Scalability and Efficiency

Single-User Focus:

Efficiency Measures Implemented:


5.2 User Testing and Feedback

5.2.1 User Testing Methodology

Participant Profile:

Testing Process:

5.2.2 User Interaction with the Platform

Ease of Setup and Use:

Perceptions of AI-Generated Content:

5.2.3 User Feedback

Positive Aspects Highlighted:

Challenges and Suggestions:

Overall Satisfaction:

5.3 Analysis Quality Assessment

5.3.1 Criteria for Assessment

The quality of the AI-generated analyses was assessed based on:

5.3.2 Findings




Tone and Style:

5.3.3 Areas for Improvement

Handling Ambiguity:

Depth of Analysis:


5.4 Summary of Results

The implementation of the Insight Journal platform demonstrated promising outcomes:

Overall, the platform succeeded in enhancing the journaling experience through AI integration, validating the project’s objectives. However, addressing technical barriers and refining the AI’s capabilities could further improve user satisfaction and accessibility.


6. Discussion

This section analyzes the technical challenges encountered during the development of the Insight Journal platform, explores the broader implications of integrating AI into personal journaling, addresses data privacy concerns and ethical considerations associated with using Large Language Models (LLMs), and compares the platform with existing solutions to identify unique contributions and areas for improvement.

6.1 Technical Challenges and Solutions

The development of the Insight Journal platform presented several technical challenges, particularly related to performance bottlenecks and integration issues. Addressing these challenges was crucial to ensure a seamless user experience and the effective functioning of the AI-powered features.

6.1.1 Performance Bottlenecks


Solutions Implemented:

6.1.2 Integration Issues


Solutions Implemented:

6.2 Implications of AI Integration in Personal Journaling

The integration of AI into personal journaling has profound implications for users’ reflective practices and cognitive processes. By providing AI-generated feedback and analyses, the Insight Journal platform influences how users engage with their thoughts and writings.

6.2.1 Enhanced Self-Reflection and Insight Generation

6.2.2 Cognitive Processes and Learning

6.2.3 Personalization and User Engagement

6.3 Data Privacy and Ethical Considerations

The use of LLMs in processing personal journal entries raises important data privacy and ethical concerns that must be addressed to protect users and promote responsible AI usage.

6.3.1 Data Privacy Concerns

6.3.2 Ethical Considerations

6.4 Comparison with Existing Solutions

Comparing the Insight Journal platform with existing journaling and AI-integrated applications highlights its unique contributions and reveals areas for further improvement.

6.4.1 Existing Journaling Platforms

6.4.2 Unique Contributions of the Insight Journal Platform

6.4.3 Areas for Improvement

6.4.4 Potential Collaborations and Integrations

6.5 Summary

The Insight Journal platform successfully integrates AI into personal journaling, offering unique benefits in terms of privacy, personalization, and depth of analysis. Addressing technical challenges such as performance bottlenecks and integration issues has been pivotal in refining the platform.

The broader implications of AI integration include enhanced reflective practices and cognitive engagement, though careful attention must be paid to ethical considerations and data privacy. Comparing the platform with existing solutions highlights its distinctive contributions, particularly in local AI processing and customization, while also revealing areas where user experience and accessibility can be improved.

By continuing to refine technical aspects and expanding features, the Insight Journal platform has the potential to significantly impact personal knowledge management and set new standards for AI-assisted journaling applications.


7. Conclusion

7.1 Summary of Key Findings

This dissertation presented the development and evaluation of the Insight Journal platform, an AI-integrated journaling system that employs locally hosted Large Language Models (LLMs) to provide personalized feedback and analysis on user-generated content. The primary objectives were to enhance personal reflection practices, ensure data privacy through local processing, and create a cost-effective, customizable solution.

Key Findings Include:

7.2 Achievement of Objectives

The objectives outlined at the outset of this work were met as follows:

  1. Design and Development of an AI-Integrated Journaling Platform:
    • Developed the Insight Journal platform integrating locally hosted LLMs, providing users with AI-generated analyses appended to their journal entries.
  2. Ensuring User Privacy and Data Security:
    • Implemented local data processing, eliminating the need to transmit sensitive information over the internet and thus safeguarding user privacy.
  3. Providing a Cost-Effective Solution:
    • Leveraged open-source technologies and free hosting (Netlify) to create a platform with minimal operational costs.
  4. Enabling Customization and Personalization:
    • Offered extensive customization options, allowing users to tailor analyses based on depth, writing style, and focus areas.
  5. Evaluating Impact on Personal Reflection Practices:
    • Through user testing, observed that AI integration enhanced users’ reflective practices and cognitive engagement.

7.3 Contributions to the Fields

Artificial Intelligence

Personal Knowledge Management

Web Development

7.4 Recommendations for Future Work

To further enhance the Insight Journal platform and extend its applications, the following recommendations are proposed:

Technical Optimizations

Feature Enhancements

User Experience Improvements

Research and Exploration

Community Engagement

Broader Applications

7.5 Final Reflections

The development of the Insight Journal platform illustrates the transformative potential of integrating AI technologies into personal knowledge management tools. By addressing technical challenges and prioritizing user privacy and personalization, the platform offers a novel approach to enhancing self-reflection and cognitive engagement.

This work contributes to the ongoing dialogue on ethical AI deployment, the democratization of advanced technologies, and the evolution of personal data management practices. As AI continues to permeate various aspects of daily life, projects like the Insight Journal serve as important models for responsible innovation that empowers users and respects their autonomy.

The journey of creating and refining the Insight Journal underscores the value of interdisciplinary collaboration, user-centered design, and continuous exploration. The insights gained from this project lay a foundation for future endeavors that seek to harness AI’s capabilities to enrich human experiences while upholding the highest standards of ethics and integrity.


Compiling a comprehensive list of references is essential to support the assertions and discussions presented throughout your dissertation. Below is a guideline for the types of sources you should include, organized according to the sections of your dissertation. Ensure that you adhere to the citation style prescribed by your institution (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago).

1. Introduction

AI in Personal Knowledge Management

Limitations of Existing Journaling Platforms

2. Literature Review

AI in Personal Knowledge Management

Advancements in Locally Hosted Language Models

Static Site Generators and Free Hosting Solutions

User Experience in AI-Integrated Applications

3. Methodology

Technologies Used

Data Generation and Management

4. Implementation

Integrating LLMs

Economic Analysis Enhancements

5. Results

User Testing and Feedback

6. Discussion

Ethical Considerations

7. Conclusion

Future Work and Research Avenues

General References


This section provides supplementary materials that support the dissertation, including code listings for key components of the Insight Journal platform, detailed user instructions and guides for setting up and using the platform, and additional data and resources referenced.

Appendix A: Code Listings

A.1 Overview

The following code listings include key components of the Insight Journal platform:

  1. Python script for generating AI-powered analyses of blog posts.
  2. Python script for generating historical economic data.
  3. user_prefs.yaml: Configuration file for user preferences.
  4. config.yml: Netlify CMS configuration file.
  5. admin/index.html: Entry point for Netlify CMS.
  6. Sample Markdown Blog Post: Example of a blog post in Markdown format.

A.2 Code Listings


import os
import requests
import frontmatter
import yaml

def load_blog_post(post_path):
    """Load the blog post from the specified Markdown file."""
        with open(post_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file:
            post = frontmatter.load(file)
        return post
    except FileNotFoundError:
        print("Error: Blog post not found.")
        return None

def load_historical_data(data_path):
    """Load historical economic data from a JSON file."""
        with open(data_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file:
            historical_data =
        return historical_data
    except FileNotFoundError:
        print("Error: Historical data file not found.")
        return ""

def get_user_preferences():
    """Retrieve user preferences from a YAML configuration file."""
        with open('user_prefs.yaml', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file:
            prefs = yaml.safe_load(file)
        return prefs
    except FileNotFoundError:
        print("User preferences file not found. Using default preferences.")
        return {
            "analysis_depth": "in-depth",
            "writing_style": "Professional",
            "focus_area": "Economic Impact"

def generate_prompt(post_content, historical_data, user_prefs):
    """Generate the prompt to send to the LLM based on user preferences."""
    analysis_depth = user_prefs.get("analysis_depth", "in-depth")
    writing_style = user_prefs.get("writing_style", "Professional")
    focus_area = user_prefs.get("focus_area", "Economic Impact")

    prompt = f"""
As a {writing_style} analyst, provide a {analysis_depth} analysis focusing on {focus_area} of the following blog post, incorporating relevant insights from historical economic events:

Blog Post:

Historical Economic Data:

Your analysis should be written in a structured format with an engaging and accessible tone.
    return prompt

def generate_analysis(prompt):
    """Send the prompt to the LLM via Ollama's API and retrieve the analysis."""
    url = "http://localhost:11434/api/generate"
    data = {
        "model": "llama3.2",
        "prompt": prompt,
        "stream": False
        response =, json=data)
        analysis = response.json().get("response", "")
        return analysis
    except requests.RequestException as e:
        print(f"Error: {e}")
        return "Analysis could not be generated at this time."

def append_analysis_to_post(post, analysis, post_path):
    """Append the analysis to the blog post and save it."""
    post.content += "\n\n---\n\n" + analysis
    with open(post_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file:

def get_posts(posts_dir):
    """Retrieve a list of Markdown files in the posts directory."""
    posts = []
    for filename in os.listdir(posts_dir):
        if filename.endswith('.md'):
    return posts

def select_post(posts):
    """Allow the user to select a post from the list."""
    print("Available posts:")
    for i, post in enumerate(posts):
        print(f"{i + 1}. {post}")
        selection = int(input("Enter the number of the post you want to analyze: ")) - 1
        if 0 <= selection < len(posts):
            return posts[selection]
            print("Invalid selection.")
            return None
    except ValueError:
        print("Invalid input. Please enter a number.")
        return None

def main():
    """Main function to execute the analysis generation process."""
    posts_dir = '_posts'  # Update this to your Jekyll posts directory
    data_path = 'historical_economic_data.json'
        posts = get_posts(posts_dir)
        if not posts:
            print(f"No .md files found in {posts_dir}")

        selected_post = select_post(posts)
        if not selected_post:

        post_path = os.path.join(posts_dir, selected_post)
        print(f"Analyzing file: {post_path}")

        post = load_blog_post(post_path)
        if not post:

        historical_data = load_historical_data(data_path)
        user_prefs = get_user_preferences()
        prompt = generate_prompt(post.content, historical_data, user_prefs)
        analysis = generate_analysis(prompt)
        append_analysis_to_post(post, analysis, post_path)
        print("Analysis appended to the blog post successfully!")
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"An error occurred: {e}")

if __name__ == "__main__":


import requests

def generate_historical_data():
    """Generate historical economic data by prompting the LLM."""
    prompt = """
Create a JSON-formatted dataset that encompasses major economic events throughout recorded history. For each event, include the following fields:

  "entity": "",
  "wealth_transfer_type": "",
  "wealth_amount": 0,  # in USD
  "time_period": "",
  "source_sector": "",
  "destination_sector": "",
  "primary_commodity": "",
  "transaction_frequency": 0,  # number of events
  "wealth_transfer_direction": "",
  "conflict_influence": 0,  # scale 1-10
  "military_expense_percentage": 0,  # percentage of GDP
  "cultural_exchange_intensity": 0,  # scale 1-10
  "political_leverage_gain": 0,  # scale 1-10
  "genetic_lineage_impact": 0,  # scale 1-10
  "inflation_rate_change": 0,  # percentage change
  "taxation_effect": 0,  # scale 1-10
  "resource_depletion_rate": 0,  # scale 1-10
  "technological_innovation_factor": 0,  # scale 1-10
  "trade_agreement_influence": 0,  # scale 1-10
  "debt_transfer_type": "",
  "genetic_data_impact": 0,  # scale 1-10
  "economic_sanction_intensity": 0,  # scale 1-10
  "environmental_impact": 0,  # scale 1-10
  "population_migration_influence": 0,  # scale 1-10
  "regional_conflict_risk": 0,  # scale 1-10
  "global_power_shift": 0,  # scale 1-10
  "social_class_disparity": 0  # scale 1-10

Provide at least 10 such events with realistic and accurate data.

    url = "http://localhost:11434/api/generate"
    data = {
        "model": "llama3.2",
        "prompt": prompt,
        "stream": False
        response =, json=data)
        historical_data = response.json().get("response", "")
        # Save the data to a file
        with open('historical_economic_data.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file:
        print("Historical economic data generated successfully!")
    except requests.RequestException as e:
        print(f"Error: {e}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

A.2.3 user_prefs.yaml

analysis_depth: "in-depth"
writing_style: "Professional"
focus_area: "Economic Impact"

A.2.4 config.yml (Netlify CMS Configuration)

  name: git-gateway
  branch: main

media_folder: "assets/images"
public_folder: "/assets/images"

  - name: "journal"
    label: "Journal Entries"
    folder: "_posts"
    create: true
    slug: ""
      - { label: "Layout", name: "layout", widget: "hidden", default: "post" }
      - { label: "Title", name: "title", widget: "string" }
      - { label: "Publish Date", name: "date", widget: "datetime" }
      - { label: "Categories", name: "categories", widget: "list", required: false }
      - { label: "Tags", name: "tags", widget: "list", required: false }
      - { label: "Body", name: "body", widget: "markdown" }

A.2.5 admin/index.html

<!doctype html>
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <title>Content Manager</title>
    <!-- Include the Netlify CMS script -->
    <script src="^2.0.0/dist/netlify-cms.js"></script>

A.2.6 Sample Markdown Blog Post

Filename: _posts/

title: "Sample Blog Post"
date: 2024-10-04 10:00:00 -0500
categories: [insight]
tags: [LLM, AI, Journaling]

# Building an AI-Enhanced Journaling Experience

In this blog post, I explore the integration of AI technologies into personal journaling practices. By leveraging locally hosted language models, we can create a more introspective and insightful journaling experience while maintaining privacy and control over our data.

I discuss the technical challenges and share my journey in developing a platform that combines the simplicity of static site generators with the power of AI.


Appendix B: User Instructions and Guides

B.1 Overview

This guide provides step-by-step instructions for setting up and using the Insight Journal platform. It is intended for users with some technical background, but detailed explanations are provided to assist users of all levels.

B.2 Prerequisites

Before starting, ensure that you have the following installed on your system:

B.3 Setting Up the Development Environment

B.3.1 Install Ruby and Jekyll

For macOS:

# Install rbenv and ruby-build
brew update
brew install rbenv ruby-build

# Install Ruby version 3.3.5
rbenv install 3.3.5
rbenv global 3.3.5

# Install Bundler and Jekyll
gem install bundler jekyll

For Ubuntu/Linux:

# Install dependencies
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential libssl-dev libreadline-dev zlib1g-dev

# Install rbenv and ruby-build
git clone ~/.rbenv
cd ~/.rbenv && src/configure && make -C src
echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'eval "$(rbenv init -)"' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

# Install ruby-build plugin
mkdir -p "$(rbenv root)"/plugins
git clone "$(rbenv root)"/plugins/ruby-build

# Install Ruby version 3.3.5
rbenv install 3.3.5
rbenv global 3.3.5

# Install Bundler and Jekyll
gem install bundler jekyll

B.3.2 Install Git

# For macOS
brew install git

# For Ubuntu/Linux
sudo apt-get install -y git

B.3.3 Install Node.js and npm

# For macOS
brew install node

# For Ubuntu/Linux
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs npm

B.3.4 Install Netlify CLI

npm install netlify-cli -g

B.3.5 Install Python 3 and Required Modules

# For macOS
brew install python

# For Ubuntu/Linux
sudo apt-get install -y python3 python3-pip

# Install necessary Python packages
pip3 install requests frontmatter pyyaml

B.3.6 Install Ollama

Follow the installation instructions provided by Ollama on their official website or repository.

B.4 Setting Up the Insight Journal

B.4.1 Create a New Jekyll Site

jekyll new insight-journal
cd insight-journal

B.4.2 Initialize Git Repository

git init
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"

B.4.3 Set Up Netlify CMS

  1. Create an admin Directory:

    mkdir admin
  2. Add config.yml in admin:

    Copy the content from Appendix A.2.4 into admin/config.yml.

  3. Add index.html in admin:

    Copy the content from Appendix A.2.5 into admin/index.html.

B.4.4 Configure Netlify Identity and Git Gateway

  1. Deploy Site to Netlify:

    • Create a repository on GitHub and push your local repository.
    • Log in to Netlify, create a new site from Git, and connect your repository.
  2. Enable Identity Service:

    • In Netlify’s dashboard, go to the Identity tab.
    • Click Enable Identity.
  3. Enable Git Gateway:

    • Under Identity settings, enable Git Gateway.
  4. Configure Registration Settings:

    • Choose Invite Only or Open registration.
    • If Invite Only, send yourself an invitation to register.

B.4.5 Install Dependencies and Serve Site Locally

bundle install
bundle exec jekyll serve

Access the site at http://localhost:4000/.

B.4.6 Access Netlify CMS

Go to http://localhost:4000/admin/ to access the CMS. Log in using the credentials created during Netlify Identity setup.

B.5 Integrating the AI Analysis Feature

B.5.1 Set Up the LLM Environment

  1. Install Llama 3.2 Model:

    • Download the Llama 3.2 model and ensure it is compatible with Ollama.
  2. Start the Ollama Server:

    ollama serve

    The Ollama server should now be running at http://localhost:11434/.

B.5.2 Create the Script

Copy the content from Appendix A.2.1 into a file named in the project root directory.

B.5.3 Generate Historical Economic Data

  1. Create the Script:

    Copy the content from Appendix A.2.2 into

  2. Run the Script to Generate Data:


    This will create historical_economic_data.json in the project directory.

B.5.4 Create User Preferences File

Create user_prefs.yaml in the project root and copy the content from Appendix A.2.3.

B.5.5 Install Required Python Packages

Ensure the following packages are installed:

pip3 install requests frontmatter pyyaml

B.5.6 Running the Analysis Script

  1. Navigate to the Project Directory:

    cd insight-journal
  2. Run the Script:

  3. Select a Post to Analyze:

    You will be prompted to select a post from the list. Enter the corresponding number.

B.6 Writing and Publishing Blog Posts

B.6.1 Create a New Post Using Netlify CMS

  1. Access Netlify CMS at http://localhost:4000/admin/.

  2. Click on “New Journal Entry”.

  3. Fill in the Post Details:

    • Title: Enter the title of your post.
    • Publish Date: Set the date and time.
    • Categories/Tags: Add any relevant categories or tags.
    • Body: Write your content in Markdown format.
  4. Save or Publish the Post:

    • You can save as a draft or publish immediately.

B.6.2 Generate AI Analysis for the Post

After creating a new post, run the script to append the AI-generated analysis to your post.

B.7 Customizing the Platform

B.7.1 Adjusting User Preferences

Edit user_prefs.yaml to change how the AI generates analyses:

analysis_depth: "summary"          # Options: "summary", "in-depth"
writing_style: "Conversational"    # Options: "Professional", "Conversational", "Analytical"
focus_area: "Technological Impact" # Any focus area you prefer

B.7.2 Modifying Site Appearance

B.8 Deployment to Netlify

B.8.1 Continuous Deployment Setup

  1. Push Changes to GitHub:

    git add .
    git commit -m "Added AI integration"
    git push origin main
  2. Netlify will automatically build and deploy your site upon detecting changes.

B.8.2 Custom Domain and SSL

  1. Add a Custom Domain:

    • In Netlify dashboard, go to Domain Settings and add your custom domain.
  2. Configure DNS Settings:

    • Update your domain’s DNS records as instructed by Netlify.
  3. Enable SSL:

    • Netlify provides automatic SSL certificates via Let’s Encrypt.

B.9 Troubleshooting and Support

Appendix C: Additional Data and Resources

C.1 Historical Economic Data Sample

An excerpt from historical_economic_data.json:

    "entity": "Silk Road Trade Network",
    "wealth_transfer_type": "International Trade",
    "wealth_amount": 10000000000, // in USD (estimated total trade value)
    "time_period": "200 BCE - 1400 CE",
    "source_sector": "Asian Producers",
    "destination_sector": "European and Middle Eastern Markets",
    "primary_commodity": "Silk, Spices, Precious Metals",
    "transaction_frequency": 1000000, // number of transactions
    "wealth_transfer_direction": "East to West",
    "conflict_influence": 5, // scale 1-10
    "military_expense_percentage": 5, // percentage of GDP
    "cultural_exchange_intensity": 10, // scale 1-10
    "political_leverage_gain": 7, // scale 1-10
    "genetic_lineage_impact": 6, // scale 1-10
    "inflation_rate_change": 2, // percentage change
    "taxation_effect": 6, // scale 1-10
    "resource_depletion_rate": 3, // scale 1-10
    "technological_innovation_factor": 7, // scale 1-10
    "trade_agreement_influence": 8, // scale 1-10
    "debt_transfer_type": "Trade Credit",
    "genetic_data_impact": 5, // scale 1-10
    "economic_sanction_intensity": 2, // scale 1-10
    "environmental_impact": 3, // scale 1-10
    "population_migration_influence": 8, // scale 1-10
    "regional_conflict_risk": 5, // scale 1-10
    "global_power_shift": 6, // scale 1-10
    "social_class_disparity": 6 // scale 1-10
    "entity": "Industrial Revolution",
    "wealth_transfer_type": "Technological Advancement",
    "wealth_amount": 500000000000, // in USD (estimated economic growth)
    "time_period": "1760 - 1840",
    "source_sector": "Agrarian Economy",
    "destination_sector": "Industrial Manufacturing",
    "primary_commodity": "Textiles, Iron, Coal",
    "transaction_frequency": 500000, // number of transactions
    "wealth_transfer_direction": "Rural to Urban",
    "conflict_influence": 4, // scale 1-10
    "military_expense_percentage": 3, // percentage of GDP
    "cultural_exchange_intensity": 7, // scale 1-10
    "political_leverage_gain": 8, // scale 1-10
    "genetic_lineage_impact": 5, // scale 1-10
    "inflation_rate_change": 3, // percentage change
    "taxation_effect": 7, // scale 1-10
    "resource_depletion_rate": 8, // scale 1-10
    "technological_innovation_factor": 10, // scale 1-10
    "trade_agreement_influence": 6, // scale 1-10
    "debt_transfer_type": "Industrial Investment",
    "genetic_data_impact": 4, // scale 1-10
    "economic_sanction_intensity": 2, // scale 1-10
    "environmental_impact": 9, // scale 1-10
    "population_migration_influence": 9, // scale 1-10
    "regional_conflict_risk": 4, // scale 1-10
    "global_power_shift": 7, // scale 1-10
    "social_class_disparity": 8 // scale 1-10
    "entity": "Great Depression",
    "wealth_transfer_type": "Economic Collapse",
    "wealth_amount": -1000000000000, // in USD (estimated loss)
    "time_period": "1929 - 1939",
    "source_sector": "Investors, Businesses",
    "destination_sector": "Asset Devaluation",
    "primary_commodity": "Stocks, Capital",
    "transaction_frequency": 2000000, // number of failed transactions
    "wealth_transfer_direction": "Wealth Destruction",
    "conflict_influence": 7, // scale 1-10
    "military_expense_percentage": 2, // percentage of GDP
    "cultural_exchange_intensity": 5, // scale 1-10
    "political_leverage_gain": 5, // scale 1-10
    "genetic_lineage_impact": 6, // scale 1-10
    "inflation_rate_change": -10, // percentage change (deflation)
    "taxation_effect": 6, // scale 1-10
    "resource_depletion_rate": 2, // scale 1-10
    "technological_innovation_factor": 4, // scale 1-10
    "trade_agreement_influence": 3, // scale 1-10
    "debt_transfer_type": "Sovereign Debt Increase",
    "genetic_data_impact": 5, // scale 1-10
    "economic_sanction_intensity": 3, // scale 1-10
    "environmental_impact": 3, // scale 1-10
    "population_migration_influence": 7, // scale 1-10
    "regional_conflict_risk": 6, // scale 1-10
    "global_power_shift": 4, // scale 1-10
    "social_class_disparity": 9 // scale 1-10
    "entity": "Post-WWII Economic Boom",
    "wealth_transfer_type": "Government Spending and Industrial Growth",
    "wealth_amount": 2000000000000, // in USD
    "time_period": "1945 - 1970",
    "source_sector": "Government Investment",
    "destination_sector": "Infrastructure, Consumers",
    "primary_commodity": "Infrastructure Projects, Consumer Goods",
    "transaction_frequency": 10000000, // number of transactions
    "wealth_transfer_direction": "Stimulus Injection",
    "conflict_influence": 2, // scale 1-10
    "military_expense_percentage": 8, // percentage of GDP
    "cultural_exchange_intensity": 7, // scale 1-10
    "political_leverage_gain": 9, // scale 1-10
    "genetic_lineage_impact": 7, // scale 1-10
    "inflation_rate_change": 5, // percentage change
    "taxation_effect": 8, // scale 1-10
    "resource_depletion_rate": 6, // scale 1-10
    "technological_innovation_factor": 9, // scale 1-10
    "trade_agreement_influence": 8, // scale 1-10
    "debt_transfer_type": "Government Debt Increase",
    "genetic_data_impact": 6, // scale 1-10
    "economic_sanction_intensity": 2, // scale 1-10
    "environmental_impact": 5, // scale 1-10
    "population_migration_influence": 8, // scale 1-10
    "regional_conflict_risk": 3, // scale 1-10
    "global_power_shift": 9, // scale 1-10
    "social_class_disparity": 5 // scale 1-10
    "entity": "OPEC Oil Embargo",
    "wealth_transfer_type": "Trade Embargo",
    "wealth_amount": -500000000000, // in USD (economic impact)
    "time_period": "1973 - 1974",
    "source_sector": "Oil Producers (OPEC)",
    "destination_sector": "Oil Importing Nations",
    "primary_commodity": "Crude Oil",
    "transaction_frequency": 0, // number of transactions halted
    "wealth_transfer_direction": "Supply Restriction",
    "conflict_influence": 6, // scale 1-10
    "military_expense_percentage": 5, // percentage of GDP
    "cultural_exchange_intensity": 4, // scale 1-10
    "political_leverage_gain": 8, // scale 1-10
    "genetic_lineage_impact": 4, // scale 1-10
    "inflation_rate_change": 7, // percentage change
    "taxation_effect": 6, // scale 1-10
    "resource_depletion_rate": 5, // scale 1-10
    "technological_innovation_factor": 6, // scale 1-10
    "trade_agreement_influence": 7, // scale 1-10
    "debt_transfer_type": "Trade Deficit",
    "genetic_data_impact": 2, // scale 1-10
    "economic_sanction_intensity": 8, // scale 1-10
    "environmental_impact": 4, // scale 1-10
    "population_migration_influence": 3, // scale 1-10
    "regional_conflict_risk": 7, // scale 1-10
    "global_power_shift": 6, // scale 1-10
    "social_class_disparity": 8 // scale 1-10
    "entity": "Global Financial Crisis",
    "wealth_transfer_type": "Economic Recession",
    "wealth_amount": -20000000000000, // in USD (global equity losses)
    "time_period": "2007 - 2009",
    "source_sector": "Financial Institutions",
    "destination_sector": "Asset Devaluation",
    "primary_commodity": "Mortgage-Backed Securities",
    "transaction_frequency": 1000000, // number of affected transactions
    "wealth_transfer_direction": "Wealth Destruction",
    "conflict_influence": 5, // scale 1-10
    "military_expense_percentage": 4, // percentage of GDP
    "cultural_exchange_intensity": 5, // scale 1-10
    "political_leverage_gain": 6, // scale 1-10
    "genetic_lineage_impact": 7, // scale 1-10
    "inflation_rate_change": -2, // percentage change (deflationary pressures)
    "taxation_effect": 7, // scale 1-10
    "resource_depletion_rate": 3, // scale 1-10
    "technological_innovation_factor": 5, // scale 1-10
    "trade_agreement_influence": 5, // scale 1-10
    "debt_transfer_type": "Sovereign Debt Increase",
    "genetic_data_impact": 4, // scale 1-10
    "economic_sanction_intensity": 3, // scale 1-10
    "environmental_impact": 4, // scale 1-10
    "population_migration_influence": 6, // scale 1-10
    "regional_conflict_risk": 5, // scale 1-10
    "global_power_shift": 5, // scale 1-10
    "social_class_disparity": 9 // scale 1-10
    "entity": "Rise of China",
    "wealth_transfer_type": "Economic Growth",
    "wealth_amount": 14000000000000, // in USD (GDP growth)
    "time_period": "1980 - Present",
    "source_sector": "Agriculture and Rural Areas",
    "destination_sector": "Industrial and Urban Areas",
    "primary_commodity": "Manufactured Goods",
    "transaction_frequency": 100000000, // number of transactions
    "wealth_transfer_direction": "Domestic and Export Growth",
    "conflict_influence": 6, // scale 1-10
    "military_expense_percentage": 2, // percentage of GDP
    "cultural_exchange_intensity": 7, // scale 1-10
    "political_leverage_gain": 9, // scale 1-10
    "genetic_lineage_impact": 5, // scale 1-10
    "inflation_rate_change": 3, // percentage change
    "taxation_effect": 6, // scale 1-10
    "resource_depletion_rate": 8, // scale 1-10
    "technological_innovation_factor": 9, // scale 1-10
    "trade_agreement_influence": 8, // scale 1-10
    "debt_transfer_type": "Corporate and National Debt",
    "genetic_data_impact": 3, // scale 1-10
    "economic_sanction_intensity": 5, // scale 1-10
    "environmental_impact": 9, // scale 1-10
    "population_migration_influence": 9, // scale 1-10
    "regional_conflict_risk": 6, // scale 1-10
    "global_power_shift": 9, // scale 1-10
    "social_class_disparity": 8 // scale 1-10
    "entity": "COVID-19 Pandemic",
    "wealth_transfer_type": "Global Economic Disruption",
    "wealth_amount": -10000000000000, // in USD (global GDP loss)
    "time_period": "2020 - Present",
    "source_sector": "Various Industries",
    "destination_sector": "Healthcare, Technology Sectors",
    "primary_commodity": "Health Services, Digital Services",
    "transaction_frequency": 1000000000, // number of affected transactions
    "wealth_transfer_direction": "Economic Contraction",
    "conflict_influence": 7, // scale 1-10
    "military_expense_percentage": 2, // percentage of GDP
    "cultural_exchange_intensity": 6, // scale 1-10
    "political_leverage_gain": 7, // scale 1-10
    "genetic_lineage_impact": 4, // scale 1-10
    "inflation_rate_change": 5, // percentage change
    "taxation_effect": 6, // scale 1-10
    "resource_depletion_rate": 4, // scale 1-10
    "technological_innovation_factor": 8, // scale 1-10
    "trade_agreement_influence": 5, // scale 1-10
    "debt_transfer_type": "National Debt Increase",
    "genetic_data_impact": 5, // scale 1-10
    "economic_sanction_intensity": 3, // scale 1-10
    "environmental_impact": 5, // scale 1-10
    "population_migration_influence": 7, // scale 1-10
    "regional_conflict_risk": 6, // scale 1-10
    "global_power_shift": 6, // scale 1-10
    "social_class_disparity": 9 // scale 1-10
    "entity": "Silk Road Trade Network",
    "wealth_transfer_type": "International Trade",
    "wealth_amount": 10000000000, // in USD (estimated total trade value)
    "time_period": "200 BCE - 1400 CE",
    "source_sector": "Asian Producers",
    "destination_sector": "European and Middle Eastern Markets",
    "primary_commodity": "Silk, Spices, Precious Metals",
    "transaction_frequency": 1000000, // number of transactions
    "wealth_transfer_direction": "East to West",
    "conflict_influence": 5, // scale 1-10
    "military_expense_percentage": 5, // percentage of GDP
    "cultural_exchange_intensity": 10, // scale 1-10
    "political_leverage_gain": 7, // scale 1-10
    "genetic_lineage_impact": 6, // scale 1-10
    "inflation_rate_change": 2, // percentage change
    "taxation_effect": 6, // scale 1-10
    "resource_depletion_rate": 3, // scale 1-10
    "technological_innovation_factor": 7, // scale 1-10
    "trade_agreement_influence": 8, // scale 1-10
    "debt_transfer_type": "Trade Credit",
    "genetic_data_impact": 5, // scale 1-10
    "economic_sanction_intensity": 2, // scale 1-10
    "environmental_impact": 3, // scale 1-10
    "population_migration_influence": 8, // scale 1-10
    "regional_conflict_risk": 5, // scale 1-10
    "global_power_shift": 6, // scale 1-10
    "social_class_disparity": 6 // scale 1-10
    "entity": "Industrial Revolution",
    "wealth_transfer_type": "Technological Advancement",
    "wealth_amount": 500000000000, // in USD (estimated economic growth)
    "time_period": "1760 - 1840",
    "source_sector": "Agrarian Economy",
    "destination_sector": "Industrial Manufacturing",
    "primary_commodity": "Textiles, Iron, Coal",
    "transaction_frequency": 500000, // number of transactions
    "wealth_transfer_direction": "Rural to Urban",
    "conflict_influence": 4, // scale 1-10
    "military_expense_percentage": 3, // percentage of GDP
    "cultural_exchange_intensity": 7, // scale 1-10
    "political_leverage_gain": 8, // scale 1-10
    "genetic_lineage_impact": 5, // scale 1-10
    "inflation_rate_change": 3, // percentage change
    "taxation_effect": 7, // scale 1-10
    "resource_depletion_rate": 8, // scale 1-10
    "technological_innovation_factor": 10, // scale 1-10
    "trade_agreement_influence": 6, // scale 1-10
    "debt_transfer_type": "Industrial Investment",
    "genetic_data_impact": 4, // scale 1-10
    "economic_sanction_intensity": 2, // scale 1-10
    "environmental_impact": 9, // scale 1-10
    "population_migration_influence": 9, // scale 1-10
    "regional_conflict_risk": 4, // scale 1-10
    "global_power_shift": 7, // scale 1-10
    "social_class_disparity": 8 // scale 1-10
    "entity": "Great Depression",
    "wealth_transfer_type": "Economic Collapse",
    "wealth_amount": -1000000000000, // in USD (estimated loss)
    "time_period": "1929 - 1939",
    "source_sector": "Investors, Businesses",
    "destination_sector": "Asset Devaluation",
    "primary_commodity": "Stocks, Capital",
    "transaction_frequency": 2000000, // number of failed transactions
    "wealth_transfer_direction": "Wealth Destruction",
    "conflict_influence": 7, // scale 1-10
    "military_expense_percentage": 2, // percentage of GDP
    "cultural_exchange_intensity": 5, // scale 1-10
    "political_leverage_gain": 5, // scale 1-10
    "genetic_lineage_impact": 6, // scale 1-10
    "inflation_rate_change": -10, // percentage change (deflation)
    "taxation_effect": 6, // scale 1-10
    "resource_depletion_rate": 2, // scale 1-10
    "technological_innovation_factor": 4, // scale 1-10
    "trade_agreement_influence": 3, // scale 1-10
    "debt_transfer_type": "Sovereign Debt Increase",
    "genetic_data_impact": 5, // scale 1-10
    "economic_sanction_intensity": 3, // scale 1-10
    "environmental_impact": 3, // scale 1-10
    "population_migration_influence": 7, // scale 1-10
    "regional_conflict_risk": 6, // scale 1-10
    "global_power_shift": 4, // scale 1-10
    "social_class_disparity": 9 // scale 1-10
    "entity": "Post-WWII Economic Boom",
    "wealth_transfer_type": "Government Spending and Industrial Growth",
    "wealth_amount": 2000000000000, // in USD
    "time_period": "1945 - 1970",
    "source_sector": "Government Investment",
    "destination_sector": "Infrastructure, Consumers",
    "primary_commodity": "Infrastructure Projects, Consumer Goods",
    "transaction_frequency": 10000000, // number of transactions
    "wealth_transfer_direction": "Stimulus Injection",
    "conflict_influence": 2, // scale 1-10
    "military_expense_percentage": 8, // percentage of GDP
    "cultural_exchange_intensity": 7, // scale 1-10
    "political_leverage_gain": 9, // scale 1-10
    "genetic_lineage_impact": 7, // scale 1-10
    "inflation_rate_change": 5, // percentage change
    "taxation_effect": 8, // scale 1-10
    "resource_depletion_rate": 6, // scale 1-10
    "technological_innovation_factor": 9, // scale 1-10
    "trade_agreement_influence": 8, // scale 1-10
    "debt_transfer_type": "Government Debt Increase",
    "genetic_data_impact": 6, // scale 1-10
    "economic_sanction_intensity": 2, // scale 1-10
    "environmental_impact": 5, // scale 1-10
    "population_migration_influence": 8, // scale 1-10
    "regional_conflict_risk": 3, // scale 1-10
    "global_power_shift": 9, // scale 1-10
    "social_class_disparity": 5 // scale 1-10
    "entity": "OPEC Oil Embargo",
    "wealth_transfer_type": "Trade Embargo",
    "wealth_amount": -500000000000, // in USD (economic impact)
    "time_period": "1973 - 1974",
    "source_sector": "Oil Producers (OPEC)",
    "destination_sector": "Oil Importing Nations",
    "primary_commodity": "Crude Oil",
    "transaction_frequency": 0, // number of transactions halted
    "wealth_transfer_direction": "Supply Restriction",
    "conflict_influence": 6, // scale 1-10
    "military_expense_percentage": 5, // percentage of GDP
    "cultural_exchange_intensity": 4, // scale 1-10
    "political_leverage_gain": 8, // scale 1-10
    "genetic_lineage_impact": 4, // scale 1-10
    "inflation_rate_change": 7, // percentage change
    "taxation_effect": 6, // scale 1-10
    "resource_depletion_rate": 5, // scale 1-10
    "technological_innovation_factor": 6, // scale 1-10
    "trade_agreement_influence": 7, // scale 1-10
    "debt_transfer_type": "Trade Deficit",
    "genetic_data_impact": 2, // scale 1-10
    "economic_sanction_intensity": 8, // scale 1-10
    "environmental_impact": 4, // scale 1-10
    "population_migration_influence": 3, // scale 1-10
    "regional_conflict_risk": 7, // scale 1-10
    "global_power_shift": 6, // scale 1-10
    "social_class_disparity": 8 // scale 1-10
    "entity": "Global Financial Crisis",
    "wealth_transfer_type": "Economic Recession",
    "wealth_amount": -20000000000000, // in USD (global equity losses)
    "time_period": "2007 - 2009",
    "source_sector": "Financial Institutions",
    "destination_sector": "Asset Devaluation",
    "primary_commodity": "Mortgage-Backed Securities",
    "transaction_frequency": 1000000, // number of affected transactions
    "wealth_transfer_direction": "Wealth Destruction",
    "conflict_influence": 5, // scale 1-10
    "military_expense_percentage": 4, // percentage of GDP
    "cultural_exchange_intensity": 5, // scale 1-10
    "political_leverage_gain": 6, // scale 1-10
    "genetic_lineage_impact": 7, // scale 1-10
    "inflation_rate_change": -2, // percentage change (deflationary pressures)
    "taxation_effect": 7, // scale 1-10
    "resource_depletion_rate": 3, // scale 1-10
    "technological_innovation_factor": 5, // scale 1-10
    "trade_agreement_influence": 5, // scale 1-10
    "debt_transfer_type": "Sovereign Debt Increase",
    "genetic_data_impact": 4, // scale 1-10
    "economic_sanction_intensity": 3, // scale 1-10
    "environmental_impact": 4, // scale 1-10
    "population_migration_influence": 6, // scale 1-10
    "regional_conflict_risk": 5, // scale 1-10
    "global_power_shift": 5, // scale 1-10
    "social_class_disparity": 9 // scale 1-10
    "entity": "Rise of China",
    "wealth_transfer_type": "Economic Growth",
    "wealth_amount": 14000000000000, // in USD (GDP growth)
    "time_period": "1980 - Present",
    "source_sector": "Agriculture and Rural Areas",
    "destination_sector": "Industrial and Urban Areas",
    "primary_commodity": "Manufactured Goods",
    "transaction_frequency": 100000000, // number of transactions
    "wealth_transfer_direction": "Domestic and Export Growth",
    "conflict_influence": 6, // scale 1-10
    "military_expense_percentage": 2, // percentage of GDP
    "cultural_exchange_intensity": 7, // scale 1-10
    "political_leverage_gain": 9, // scale 1-10
    "genetic_lineage_impact": 5, // scale 1-10
    "inflation_rate_change": 3, // percentage change
    "taxation_effect": 6, // scale 1-10
    "resource_depletion_rate": 8, // scale 1-10
    "technological_innovation_factor": 9, // scale 1-10
    "trade_agreement_influence": 8, // scale 1-10
    "debt_transfer_type": "Corporate and National Debt",
    "genetic_data_impact": 3, // scale 1-10
    "economic_sanction_intensity": 5, // scale 1-10
    "environmental_impact": 9, // scale 1-10
    "population_migration_influence": 9, // scale 1-10
    "regional_conflict_risk": 6, // scale 1-10
    "global_power_shift": 9, // scale 1-10
    "social_class_disparity": 8 // scale 1-10
    "entity": "COVID-19 Pandemic",
    "wealth_transfer_type": "Global Economic Disruption",
    "wealth_amount": -10000000000000, // in USD (global GDP loss)
    "time_period": "2020 - Present",
    "source_sector": "Various Industries",
    "destination_sector": "Healthcare, Technology Sectors",
    "primary_commodity": "Health Services, Digital Services",
    "transaction_frequency": 1000000000, // number of affected transactions
    "wealth_transfer_direction": "Economic Contraction",
    "conflict_influence": 7, // scale 1-10
    "military_expense_percentage": 2, // percentage of GDP
    "cultural_exchange_intensity": 6, // scale 1-10
    "political_leverage_gain": 7, // scale 1-10
    "genetic_lineage_impact": 4, // scale 1-10
    "inflation_rate_change": 5, // percentage change
    "taxation_effect": 6, // scale 1-10
    "resource_depletion_rate": 4, // scale 1-10
    "technological_innovation_factor": 8, // scale 1-10
    "trade_agreement_influence": 5, // scale 1-10
    "debt_transfer_type": "National Debt Increase",
    "genetic_data_impact": 5, // scale 1-10
    "economic_sanction_intensity": 3, // scale 1-10
    "environmental_impact": 5, // scale 1-10
    "population_migration_influence": 7, // scale 1-10
    "regional_conflict_risk": 6, // scale 1-10
    "global_power_shift": 6, // scale 1-10
    "social_class_disparity": 9 // scale 1-10
    "entity": "Dot-com Bubble",
    "wealth_transfer_type": "Market Speculation and Crash",
    "wealth_amount": -5000000000000, // in USD (estimated loss)
    "time_period": "1995 - 2001",
    "source_sector": "Investors",
    "destination_sector": "Technology Companies",
    "primary_commodity": "Internet-based Stocks",
    "transaction_frequency": 5000000, // number of transactions
    "wealth_transfer_direction": "Investment Inflows and Crash",
    "conflict_influence": 3, // scale 1-10
    "military_expense_percentage": 3, // percentage of GDP
    "cultural_exchange_intensity": 6, // scale 1-10
    "political_leverage_gain": 4, // scale 1-10
    "genetic_lineage_impact": 2, // scale 1-10
    "inflation_rate_change": 1, // percentage change
    "taxation_effect": 5, // scale 1-10
    "resource_depletion_rate": 2, // scale 1-10
    "technological_innovation_factor": 8, // scale 1-10
    "trade_agreement_influence": 5, // scale 1-10
    "debt_transfer_type": "Corporate Debt Increase",
    "genetic_data_impact": 1, // scale 1-10
    "economic_sanction_intensity": 1, // scale 1-10
    "environmental_impact": 3, // scale 1-10
    "population_migration_influence": 4, // scale 1-10
    "regional_conflict_risk": 2, // scale 1-10
    "global_power_shift": 4, // scale 1-10
    "social_class_disparity": 7 // scale 1-10
    "entity": "Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Emergence",
    "wealth_transfer_type": "Digital Currency Creation",
    "wealth_amount": 1000000000000, // in USD (market capitalization)
    "time_period": "2009 - Present",
    "source_sector": "Traditional Finance",
    "destination_sector": "Cryptocurrency Markets",
    "primary_commodity": "Digital Assets",
    "transaction_frequency": 100000000, // number of transactions
    "wealth_transfer_direction": "Investment Inflows",
    "conflict_influence": 2, // scale 1-10
    "military_expense_percentage": 1, // percentage of GDP
    "cultural_exchange_intensity": 7, // scale 1-10
    "political_leverage_gain": 5, // scale 1-10
    "genetic_lineage_impact": 3, // scale 1-10
    "inflation_rate_change": 2, // percentage change
    "taxation_effect": 4, // scale 1-10
    "resource_depletion_rate": 5, // scale 1-10
    "technological_innovation_factor": 9, // scale 1-10
    "trade_agreement_influence": 4, // scale 1-10
    "debt_transfer_type": "Personal Debt",
    "genetic_data_impact": 2, // scale 1-10
    "economic_sanction_intensity": 3, // scale 1-10
    "environmental_impact": 6, // scale 1-10
    "population_migration_influence": 2, // scale 1-10
    "regional_conflict_risk": 2, // scale 1-10
    "global_power_shift": 5, // scale 1-10
    "social_class_disparity": 6 // scale 1-10
    "entity": "Colonialism and Mercantilism",
    "wealth_transfer_type": "Resource Extraction",
    "wealth_amount": 10000000000000, // in USD (historical estimation)
    "time_period": "1500 - 1900",
    "source_sector": "Colonized Territories",
    "destination_sector": "Colonial Powers",
    "primary_commodity": "Gold, Silver, Spices, Raw Materials",
    "transaction_frequency": 10000000, // number of shipments
    "wealth_transfer_direction": "Resource Flow from Colonies to Metropole",
    "conflict_influence": 9, // scale 1-10
    "military_expense_percentage": 10, // percentage of GDP
    "cultural_exchange_intensity": 8, // scale 1-10
    "political_leverage_gain": 10, // scale 1-10
    "genetic_lineage_impact": 7, // scale 1-10
    "inflation_rate_change": 15, // percentage change (e.g., Spanish Price Revolution)
    "taxation_effect": 9, // scale 1-10
    "resource_depletion_rate": 9, // scale 1-10
    "technological_innovation_factor": 8, // scale 1-10
    "trade_agreement_influence": 7, // scale 1-10
    "debt_transfer_type": "Colonial Debt",
    "genetic_data_impact": 6, // scale 1-10
    "economic_sanction_intensity": 7, // scale 1-10
    "environmental_impact": 8, // scale 1-10
    "population_migration_influence": 10, // scale 1-10
    "regional_conflict_risk": 9, // scale 1-10
    "global_power_shift": 10, // scale 1-10
    "social_class_disparity": 10 // scale 1-10
    "entity": "American Housing Bubble",
    "wealth_transfer_type": "Asset Bubble and Crash",
    "wealth_amount": -8000000000000, // in USD (estimated loss in home values)
    "time_period": "2000 - 2008",
    "source_sector": "Homeowners, Investors",
    "destination_sector": "Financial Institutions",
    "primary_commodity": "Real Estate",
    "transaction_frequency": 2000000, // number of mortgages
    "wealth_transfer_direction": "Wealth Destruction",
    "conflict_influence": 4, // scale 1-10
    "military_expense_percentage": 4, // percentage of GDP
    "cultural_exchange_intensity": 5, // scale 1-10
    "political_leverage_gain": 5, // scale 1-10
    "genetic_lineage_impact": 5, // scale 1-10
    "inflation_rate_change": -1, // percentage change
    "taxation_effect": 6, // scale 1-10
    "resource_depletion_rate": 2, // scale 1-10
    "technological_innovation_factor": 4, // scale 1-10
    "trade_agreement_influence": 5, // scale 1-10
    "debt_transfer_type": "Mortgage Debt",
    "genetic_data_impact": 3, // scale 1-10
    "economic_sanction_intensity": 1, // scale 1-10
    "environmental_impact": 3, // scale 1-10
    "population_migration_influence": 6, // scale 1-10
    "regional_conflict_risk": 3, // scale 1-10
    "global_power_shift": 5, // scale 1-10
    "social_class_disparity": 8 // scale 1-10
    "entity": "European Colonial Slave Trade",
    "wealth_transfer_type": "Forced Labor and Human Trafficking",
    "wealth_amount": 1000000000000, // in USD (historical estimation)
    "time_period": "1500 - 1800",
    "source_sector": "African Societies",
    "destination_sector": "European Colonies",
    "primary_commodity": "Enslaved People",
    "transaction_frequency": 12000000, // number of enslaved individuals transported
    "wealth_transfer_direction": "Human Capital Extraction",
    "conflict_influence": 10, // scale 1-10
    "military_expense_percentage": 8, // percentage of GDP
    "cultural_exchange_intensity": 7, // scale 1-10
    "political_leverage_gain": 10, // scale 1-10
    "genetic_lineage_impact": 8, // scale 1-10
    "inflation_rate_change": 5, // percentage change
    "taxation_effect": 7, // scale 1-10
    "resource_depletion_rate": 6, // scale 1-10
    "technological_innovation_factor": 5, // scale 1-10
    "trade_agreement_influence": 6, // scale 1-10
    "debt_transfer_type": "Government Bonds and Slave Trade Financing",
    "genetic_data_impact": 9, // scale 1-10
    "economic_sanction_intensity": 4, // scale 1-10
    "environmental_impact": 7, // scale 1-10
    "population_migration_influence": 10, // scale 1-10
    "regional_conflict_risk": 9, // scale 1-10
    "global_power_shift": 9, // scale 1-10
    "social_class_disparity": 10 // scale 1-10
    "entity": "Bretton Woods Agreement",
    "wealth_transfer_type": "Establishment of Global Financial Systems",
    "wealth_amount": 0, // N/A (system establishment)
    "time_period": "1944",
    "source_sector": "Allied Nations",
    "destination_sector": "Global Economy",
    "primary_commodity": "Monetary Policy Agreements",
    "transaction_frequency": 1, // the agreement itself
    "wealth_transfer_direction": "Economic Coordination",
    "conflict_influence": 5, // scale 1-10
    "military_expense_percentage": 10, // percentage of GDP (post-WWII context)
    "cultural_exchange_intensity": 6, // scale 1-10
    "political_leverage_gain": 9, // scale 1-10
    "genetic_lineage_impact": 4, // scale 1-10
    "inflation_rate_change": 0, // percentage change
    "taxation_effect": 5, // scale 1-10
    "resource_depletion_rate": 3, // scale 1-10
    "technological_innovation_factor": 7, // scale 1-10
    "trade_agreement_influence": 10, // scale 1-10
    "debt_transfer_type": "International Monetary Agreements",
    "genetic_data_impact": 2, // scale 1-10
    "economic_sanction_intensity": 2, // scale 1-10
    "environmental_impact": 2, // scale 1-10
    "population_migration_influence": 4, // scale 1-10
    "regional_conflict_risk": 3, // scale 1-10
    "global_power_shift": 8, // scale 1-10
    "social_class_disparity": 5 // scale 1-10
    "entity": "European Union Formation",
    "wealth_transfer_type": "Economic Integration",
    "wealth_amount": 5000000000000, // in USD (combined GDP growth)
    "time_period": "1993 - Present",
    "source_sector": "Member States",
    "destination_sector": "Unified European Market",
    "primary_commodity": "Various Goods and Services",
    "transaction_frequency": 100000000, // number of transactions
    "wealth_transfer_direction": "Economic Integration",
    "conflict_influence": 2, // scale 1-10
    "military_expense_percentage": 1.3, // percentage of GDP
    "cultural_exchange_intensity": 9, // scale 1-10
    "political_leverage_gain": 8, // scale 1-10
    "genetic_lineage_impact": 3, // scale 1-10
    "inflation_rate_change": 2, // percentage change
    "taxation_effect": 6, // scale 1-10
    "resource_depletion_rate": 5, // scale 1-10
    "technological_innovation_factor": 8, // scale 1-10
    "trade_agreement_influence": 9, // scale 1-10
    "debt_transfer_type": "Sovereign Debt Management",
    "genetic_data_impact": 4, // scale 1-10
    "economic_sanction_intensity": 3, // scale 1-10
    "environmental_impact": 6, // scale 1-10
    "population_migration_influence": 8, // scale 1-10
    "regional_conflict_risk": 2, // scale 1-10
    "global_power_shift": 7, // scale 1-10
    "social_class_disparity": 6 // scale 1-10
    "entity": "Silk Road Trade Network",
    "wealth_transfer_type": "International Trade",
    "wealth_amount": 10000000000, // in USD (estimated total trade value)
    "time_period": "200 BCE - 1400 CE",
    "source_sector": "Asian Producers",
    "destination_sector": "European and Middle Eastern Markets",
    "primary_commodity": "Silk, Spices, Precious Metals",
    "transaction_frequency": 1000000, // number of transactions
    "wealth_transfer_direction": "East to West",
    "conflict_influence": 5, // scale 1-10
    "military_expense_percentage": 5, // percentage of GDP
    "cultural_exchange_intensity": 10, // scale 1-10
    "political_leverage_gain": 7, // scale 1-10
    "genetic_lineage_impact": 6, // scale 1-10
    "inflation_rate_change": 2, // percentage change
    "taxation_effect": 6, // scale 1-10
    "resource_depletion_rate": 3, // scale 1-10
    "technological_innovation_factor": 7, // scale 1-10
    "trade_agreement_influence": 8, // scale 1-10
    "debt_transfer_type": "Trade Credit",
    "genetic_data_impact": 5, // scale 1-10
    "economic_sanction_intensity": 2, // scale 1-10
    "environmental_impact": 3, // scale 1-10
    "population_migration_influence": 8, // scale 1-10
    "regional_conflict_risk": 5, // scale 1-10
    "global_power_shift": 6, // scale 1-10
    "social_class_disparity": 6 // scale 1-10
    "entity": "Industrial Revolution",
    "wealth_transfer_type": "Technological Advancement",
    "wealth_amount": 500000000000, // in USD (estimated economic growth)
    "time_period": "1760 - 1840",
    "source_sector": "Agrarian Economy",
    "destination_sector": "Industrial Manufacturing",
    "primary_commodity": "Textiles, Iron, Coal",
    "transaction_frequency": 500000, // number of transactions
    "wealth_transfer_direction": "Rural to Urban",
    "conflict_influence": 4, // scale 1-10
    "military_expense_percentage": 3, // percentage of GDP
    "cultural_exchange_intensity": 7, // scale 1-10
    "political_leverage_gain": 8, // scale 1-10
    "genetic_lineage_impact": 5, // scale 1-10
    "inflation_rate_change": 3, // percentage change
    "taxation_effect": 7, // scale 1-10
    "resource_depletion_rate": 8, // scale 1-10
    "technological_innovation_factor": 10, // scale 1-10
    "trade_agreement_influence": 6, // scale 1-10
    "debt_transfer_type": "Industrial Investment",
    "genetic_data_impact": 4, // scale 1-10
    "economic_sanction_intensity": 2, // scale 1-10
    "environmental_impact": 9, // scale 1-10
    "population_migration_influence": 9, // scale 1-10
    "regional_conflict_risk": 4, // scale 1-10
    "global_power_shift": 7, // scale 1-10
    "social_class_disparity": 8 // scale 1-10
    "entity": "Great Depression",
    "wealth_transfer_type": "Economic Collapse",
    "wealth_amount": -1000000000000, // in USD (estimated loss)
    "time_period": "1929 - 1939",
    "source_sector": "Investors, Businesses",
    "destination_sector": "Asset Devaluation",
    "primary_commodity": "Stocks, Capital",
    "transaction_frequency": 2000000, // number of failed transactions
    "wealth_transfer_direction": "Wealth Destruction",
    "conflict_influence": 7, // scale 1-10
    "military_expense_percentage": 2, // percentage of GDP
    "cultural_exchange_intensity": 5, // scale 1-10
    "political_leverage_gain": 5, // scale 1-10
    "genetic_lineage_impact": 6, // scale 1-10
    "inflation_rate_change": -10, // percentage change (deflation)
    "taxation_effect": 6, // scale 1-10
    "resource_depletion_rate": 2, // scale 1-10
    "technological_innovation_factor": 4, // scale 1-10
    "trade_agreement_influence": 3, // scale 1-10
    "debt_transfer_type": "Sovereign Debt Increase",
    "genetic_data_impact": 5, // scale 1-10
    "economic_sanction_intensity": 3, // scale 1-10
    "environmental_impact": 3, // scale 1-10
    "population_migration_influence": 7, // scale 1-10
    "regional_conflict_risk": 6, // scale 1-10
    "global_power_shift": 4, // scale 1-10
    "social_class_disparity": 9 // scale 1-10
    "entity": "Post-WWII Economic Boom",
    "wealth_transfer_type": "Government Spending and Industrial Growth",
    "wealth_amount": 2000000000000, // in USD
    "time_period": "1945 - 1970",
    "source_sector": "Government Investment",
    "destination_sector": "Infrastructure, Consumers",
    "primary_commodity": "Infrastructure Projects, Consumer Goods",
    "transaction_frequency": 10000000, // number of transactions
    "wealth_transfer_direction": "Stimulus Injection",
    "conflict_influence": 2, // scale 1-10
    "military_expense_percentage": 8, // percentage of GDP
    "cultural_exchange_intensity": 7, // scale 1-10
    "political_leverage_gain": 9, // scale 1-10
    "genetic_lineage_impact": 7, // scale 1-10
    "inflation_rate_change": 5, // percentage change
    "taxation_effect": 8, // scale 1-10
    "resource_depletion_rate": 6, // scale 1-10
    "technological_innovation_factor": 9, // scale 1-10
    "trade_agreement_influence": 8, // scale 1-10
    "debt_transfer_type": "Government Debt Increase",
    "genetic_data_impact": 6, // scale 1-10
    "economic_sanction_intensity": 2, // scale 1-10
    "environmental_impact": 5, // scale 1-10
    "population_migration_influence": 8, // scale 1-10
    "regional_conflict_risk": 3, // scale 1-10
    "global_power_shift": 9, // scale 1-10
    "social_class_disparity": 5 // scale 1-10
    "entity": "OPEC Oil Embargo",
    "wealth_transfer_type": "Trade Embargo",
    "wealth_amount": -500000000000, // in USD (economic impact)
    "time_period": "1973 - 1974",
    "source_sector": "Oil Producers (OPEC)",
    "destination_sector": "Oil Importing Nations",
    "primary_commodity": "Crude Oil",
    "transaction_frequency": 0, // number of transactions halted
    "wealth_transfer_direction": "Supply Restriction",
    "conflict_influence": 6, // scale 1-10
    "military_expense_percentage": 5, // percentage of GDP
    "cultural_exchange_intensity": 4, // scale 1-10
    "political_leverage_gain": 8, // scale 1-10
    "genetic_lineage_impact": 4, // scale 1-10
    "inflation_rate_change": 7, // percentage change
    "taxation_effect": 6, // scale 1-10
    "resource_depletion_rate": 5, // scale 1-10
    "technological_innovation_factor": 6, // scale 1-10
    "trade_agreement_influence": 7, // scale 1-10
    "debt_transfer_type": "Trade Deficit",
    "genetic_data_impact": 2, // scale 1-10
    "economic_sanction_intensity": 8, // scale 1-10
    "environmental_impact": 4, // scale 1-10
    "population_migration_influence": 3, // scale 1-10
    "regional_conflict_risk": 7, // scale 1-10
    "global_power_shift": 6, // scale 1-10
    "social_class_disparity": 8 // scale 1-10
    "entity": "Global Financial Crisis",
    "wealth_transfer_type": "Economic Recession",
    "wealth_amount": -20000000000000, // in USD (global equity losses)
    "time_period": "2007 - 2009",
    "source_sector": "Financial Institutions",
    "destination_sector": "Asset Devaluation",
    "primary_commodity": "Mortgage-Backed Securities",
    "transaction_frequency": 1000000, // number of affected transactions
    "wealth_transfer_direction": "Wealth Destruction",
    "conflict_influence": 5, // scale 1-10
    "military_expense_percentage": 4, // percentage of GDP
    "cultural_exchange_intensity": 5, // scale 1-10
    "political_leverage_gain": 6, // scale 1-10
    "genetic_lineage_impact": 7, // scale 1-10
    "inflation_rate_change": -2, // percentage change (deflationary pressures)
    "taxation_effect": 7, // scale 1-10
    "resource_depletion_rate": 3, // scale 1-10
    "technological_innovation_factor": 5, // scale 1-10
    "trade_agreement_influence": 5, // scale 1-10
    "debt_transfer_type": "Sovereign Debt Increase",
    "genetic_data_impact": 4, // scale 1-10
    "economic_sanction_intensity": 3, // scale 1-10
    "environmental_impact": 4, // scale 1-10
    "population_migration_influence": 6, // scale 1-10
    "regional_conflict_risk": 5, // scale 1-10
    "global_power_shift": 5, // scale 1-10
    "social_class_disparity": 9 // scale 1-10
    "entity": "Rise of China",
    "wealth_transfer_type": "Economic Growth",
    "wealth_amount": 14000000000000, // in USD (GDP growth)
    "time_period": "1980 - Present",
    "source_sector": "Agriculture and Rural Areas",
    "destination_sector": "Industrial and Urban Areas",
    "primary_commodity": "Manufactured Goods",
    "transaction_frequency": 100000000, // number of transactions
    "wealth_transfer_direction": "Domestic and Export Growth",
    "conflict_influence": 6, // scale 1-10
    "military_expense_percentage": 2, // percentage of GDP
    "cultural_exchange_intensity": 7, // scale 1-10
    "political_leverage_gain": 9, // scale 1-10
    "genetic_lineage_impact": 5, // scale 1-10
    "inflation_rate_change": 3, // percentage change
    "taxation_effect": 6, // scale 1-10
    "resource_depletion_rate": 8, // scale 1-10
    "technological_innovation_factor": 9, // scale 1-10
    "trade_agreement_influence": 8, // scale 1-10
    "debt_transfer_type": "Corporate and National Debt",
    "genetic_data_impact": 3, // scale 1-10
    "economic_sanction_intensity": 5, // scale 1-10
    "environmental_impact": 9, // scale 1-10
    "population_migration_influence": 9, // scale 1-10
    "regional_conflict_risk": 6, // scale 1-10
    "global_power_shift": 9, // scale 1-10
    "social_class_disparity": 8 // scale 1-10
    "entity": "COVID-19 Pandemic",
    "wealth_transfer_type": "Global Economic Disruption",
    "wealth_amount": -10000000000000, // in USD (global GDP loss)
    "time_period": "2020 - Present",
    "source_sector": "Various Industries",
    "destination_sector": "Healthcare, Technology Sectors",
    "primary_commodity": "Health Services, Digital Services",
    "transaction_frequency": 1000000000, // number of affected transactions
    "wealth_transfer_direction": "Economic Contraction",
    "conflict_influence": 7, // scale 1-10
    "military_expense_percentage": 2, // percentage of GDP
    "cultural_exchange_intensity": 6, // scale 1-10
    "political_leverage_gain": 7, // scale 1-10
    "genetic_lineage_impact": 4, // scale 1-10
    "inflation_rate_change": 5, // percentage change
    "taxation_effect": 6, // scale 1-10
    "resource_depletion_rate": 4, // scale 1-10
    "technological_innovation_factor": 8, // scale 1-10
    "trade_agreement_influence": 5, // scale 1-10
    "debt_transfer_type": "National Debt Increase",
    "genetic_data_impact": 5, // scale 1-10
    "economic_sanction_intensity": 3, // scale 1-10
    "environmental_impact": 5, // scale 1-10
    "population_migration_influence": 7, // scale 1-10
    "regional_conflict_risk": 6, // scale 1-10
    "global_power_shift": 6, // scale 1-10
    "social_class_disparity": 9 // scale 1-10
    "entity": "Brexit",
    "wealth_transfer_type": "Economic Realignment",
    "wealth_amount": -200000000000, // in USD (estimated economic loss)
    "time_period": "2016 - Present",
    "source_sector": "European Union Membership",
    "destination_sector": "United Kingdom Independence",
    "primary_commodity": "Trade Agreements, Services",
    "transaction_frequency": 5000000, // number of affected transactions
    "wealth_transfer_direction": "Trade Barriers Increased",
    "conflict_influence": 4, // scale 1-10
    "military_expense_percentage": 2, // percentage of GDP
    "cultural_exchange_intensity": 5, // scale 1-10
    "political_leverage_gain": 6, // scale 1-10
    "genetic_lineage_impact": 2, // scale 1-10
    "inflation_rate_change": 1, // percentage change
    "taxation_effect": 5, // scale 1-10
    "resource_depletion_rate": 3, // scale 1-10
    "technological_innovation_factor": 5, // scale 1-10
    "trade_agreement_influence": 6, // scale 1-10
    "debt_transfer_type": "National Debt Fluctuation",
    "genetic_data_impact": 1, // scale 1-10
    "economic_sanction_intensity": 2, // scale 1-10
    "environmental_impact": 4, // scale 1-10
    "population_migration_influence": 7, // scale 1-10
    "regional_conflict_risk": 3, // scale 1-10
    "global_power_shift": 5, // scale 1-10
    "social_class_disparity": 7 // scale 1-10
    "entity": "African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA)",
    "wealth_transfer_type": "Economic Integration",
    "wealth_amount": 3000000000000, // in USD (combined GDP)
    "time_period": "2018 - Present",
    "source_sector": "Individual African Economies",
    "destination_sector": "Unified African Market",
    "primary_commodity": "Various Goods and Services",
    "transaction_frequency": 10000000, // number of transactions
    "wealth_transfer_direction": "Trade Liberalization",
    "conflict_influence": 5, // scale 1-10
    "military_expense_percentage": 2.5, // percentage of GDP
    "cultural_exchange_intensity": 8, // scale 1-10
    "political_leverage_gain": 7, // scale 1-10
    "genetic_lineage_impact": 4, // scale 1-10
    "inflation_rate_change": 2, // percentage change
    "taxation_effect": 6, // scale 1-10
    "resource_depletion_rate": 6, // scale 1-10
    "technological_innovation_factor": 7, // scale 1-10
    "trade_agreement_influence": 8, // scale 1-10
    "debt_transfer_type": "Infrastructure Investment",
    "genetic_data_impact": 3, // scale 1-10
    "economic_sanction_intensity": 2, // scale 1-10
    "environmental_impact": 6, // scale 1-10
    "population_migration_influence": 8, // scale 1-10
    "regional_conflict_risk": 5, // scale 1-10
    "global_power_shift": 7, // scale 1-10
    "social_class_disparity": 7 // scale 1-10
    "entity": "Gold Rushes",
    "wealth_transfer_type": "Resource Boom",
    "wealth_amount": 10000000000, // in USD (historical estimation)
    "time_period": "1848 - 1900",
    "source_sector": "Mining Regions",
    "destination_sector": "Global Markets",
    "primary_commodity": "Gold",
    "transaction_frequency": 100000, // number of transactions
    "wealth_transfer_direction": "Extraction to Markets",
    "conflict_influence": 6, // scale 1-10
    "military_expense_percentage": 3, // percentage of GDP
    "cultural_exchange_intensity": 7, // scale 1-10
    "political_leverage_gain": 5, // scale 1-10
    "genetic_lineage_impact": 5, // scale 1-10
    "inflation_rate_change": 4, // percentage change
    "taxation_effect": 5, // scale 1-10
    "resource_depletion_rate": 7, // scale 1-10
    "technological_innovation_factor": 6, // scale 1-10
    "trade_agreement_influence": 4, // scale 1-10
    "debt_transfer_type": "Investment Capital",
    "genetic_data_impact": 4, // scale 1-10
    "economic_sanction_intensity": 2, // scale 1-10
    "environmental_impact": 8, // scale 1-10
    "population_migration_influence": 9, // scale 1-10
    "regional_conflict_risk": 7, // scale 1-10
    "global_power_shift": 5, // scale 1-10
    "social_class_disparity": 8 // scale 1-10
    "entity": "Belt and Road Initiative",
    "wealth_transfer_type": "Infrastructure Investment",
    "wealth_amount": 1000000000000, // in USD (projected investment)
    "time_period": "2013 - Present",
    "source_sector": "Chinese Government and Companies",
    "destination_sector": "Participating Countries",
    "primary_commodity": "Infrastructure Projects",
    "transaction_frequency": 1000, // number of major projects
    "wealth_transfer_direction": "Investment Outflows",
    "conflict_influence": 6, // scale 1-10
    "military_expense_percentage": 1.9, // percentage of GDP
    "cultural_exchange_intensity": 7, // scale 1-10
    "political_leverage_gain": 9, // scale 1-10
    "genetic_lineage_impact": 2, // scale 1-10
    "inflation_rate_change": 2, // percentage change
    "taxation_effect": 4, // scale 1-10
    "resource_depletion_rate": 5, // scale 1-10
    "technological_innovation_factor": 8, // scale 1-10
    "trade_agreement_influence": 9, // scale 1-10
    "debt_transfer_type": "Bilateral Loans",
    "genetic_data_impact": 1, // scale 1-10
    "economic_sanction_intensity": 3, // scale 1-10
    "environmental_impact": 7, // scale 1-10
    "population_migration_influence": 5, // scale 1-10
    "regional_conflict_risk": 6, // scale 1-10
    "global_power_shift": 8, // scale 1-10
    "social_class_disparity": 7 // scale 1-10
    "entity": "Formation of WTO",
    "wealth_transfer_type": "Global Trade Liberalization",
    "wealth_amount": 0, // N/A (institution establishment)
    "time_period": "1995",
    "source_sector": "Member Nations",
    "destination_sector": "Global Economy",
    "primary_commodity": "Trade Agreements",
    "transaction_frequency": 1, // the agreement itself
    "wealth_transfer_direction": "Economic Coordination",
    "conflict_influence": 3, // scale 1-10
    "military_expense_percentage": 2.5, // percentage of GDP
    "cultural_exchange_intensity": 8, // scale 1-10
    "political_leverage_gain": 8, // scale 1-10
    "genetic_lineage_impact": 2, // scale 1-10
    "inflation_rate_change": 1, // percentage change
    "taxation_effect": 5, // scale 1-10
    "resource_depletion_rate": 4, // scale 1-10
    "technological_innovation_factor": 7, // scale 1-10
    "trade_agreement_influence": 10, // scale 1-10
    "debt_transfer_type": "Trade Facilitation",
    "genetic_data_impact": 1, // scale 1-10
    "economic_sanction_intensity": 4, // scale 1-10
    "environmental_impact": 5, // scale 1-10
    "population_migration_influence": 6, // scale 1-10
    "regional_conflict_risk": 3, // scale 1-10
    "global_power_shift": 7, // scale 1-10
    "social_class_disparity": 6 // scale 1-10

C.2 Resources and References

C.3 Contact and Support

For further assistance or questions regarding the Insight Journal platform, please contact:

End of Appendices

These supplementary materials provide the necessary resources to understand, set up, and utilize the Insight Journal platform as discussed in the dissertation. By following the provided code listings and user guides, one can replicate the platform and explore the integration of AI into personal knowledge management tools.